segunda-feira, 20 de julho de 2009

A Malha da Aranha - espaço dedicado a conteúdos da banda Within Hell

Badass! A aranha está presa numa granda malha feita com as cordas da guitarra.

AFTER THE END OF ART (Lyrics by: João Lobo/Carlos Lobo)

Avant-garde is no more
Story cannot be made
People are waiting for
Something they know will fade

In the expanded field
Now there are points of view
Ago there was a shield
For all I kept you

After the end of art

Don’t mean to say death of art
But narrative makes no sense
There’s no linkable criterion
A poligon of arguments

Your thoughts are so right
That I can’t find the light
But I need to be heard
’Cause I’m willing to trust

Your thoughts are so right
That I can’t find the light
But I need to be heard
‘Cause I’m willing to trust you

After the end of art

No, I don’t know
I don’t care anymore

After the end of art

The grid of Modernism
Cycle that repeats throughout

PAST (Lyrics by: Carlos Lobo/Delfim Miranda/João Lobo)

I wanna see
At night
Your smile by the moonlight

I wanna have
The luck
So one day I could sing it
For you

I know one day you’ll forget
The night
That I’m remembering
The time
That mistery which recalls
A moonlight night

The past was present once
And that should never have happened

Time barrier
To forget
I pointed you the moon but you just saw my finger

Is there anyway back from disposition
I’m selfish
Anyone’s happiness is my misery
Either way
I’m imprisoned in time

I feel like I should find
A way to end this process
A way to solve this mess
Healing is so far away

I’m stuck in the past

terça-feira, 14 de julho de 2009

A Rant about the Self

Sonhei ser um grande pintor, então pintei…
Sonhei ser um grande escultor, então esculpi…
Sonhei ser um grande músico, então compus, toquei, cantei…
Sonhei ser um grande escritor, então escrevi…
Sonhei ser um grande homem, então vivi!
Estou a evoluir, estou a mudar de bengala
Ao sabor do RGB.
O brilhantismo não se consegue com gel
Não caibo na minha pele, nestas actualidades dementes
Com seios mecânicos.

O segredo da omni-ausência impõe-se
Resilientemente corre como Thrash Metal
numa Sapientíssima Verborreia.

segundo Autópsias de rebuçados,
Ovos estrelados são fixes e voam.
Ela tinha 100 gramas de “gostar de mim”